Hackforge has teamed up with LaSalle-based Avinus Web Services to present “Trees from Techies,” an initiative aimed at raising funds to support reforestation of Canadian lands impacted by wildfires. The organizations are looking to raise $1000 by the end of October.

The “Trees from Techies” fundraiser represents a significant opportunity for tech enthusiasts, professionals, and companies to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. By contributing to this initiative, they can help restore ecosystems, mitigate climate change, and protect biodiversity.

The fundraiser is being managed through One Tree Planted, which promises to plant one tree for every dollar raised. An official partner of the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, One Tree Planted is an established and  trustworthy facilitator of this endeavour. 

Each year, Avinus Web Services donates a portion of their profits to charity. For 2023 they have chosen to support reforestation efforts, and are inviting peers and clients to join in. “Technical professions are often thought of as being as far removed from nature as you can get,” says Sherri Wheeler, owner of Avinus. “So inspiring my fellow technical colleagues along with our friends and communities is a fun way to reconnect to the environment and each other.” 

Windsor Hackforge focuses on building and connecting the regional tech community, and is proud to help spread this campaign to their network. 

To learn more and make a donation, visit: https://forest-fundraiser.raisely.com/treesfromtechies